Though we don’t yet have an official date for the launch, Mojo Melee has revealed a number of details about what to expect in their upcoming open beta. This even includes opportunities to win guaranteed whitelist spots for their Beta Chest Sale!
Mojo Melee is available to play right now, just using a browser window. However, soon, all player stats will reset, and Mojo Melee will move into open beta! This beta phase introduces a new, meaningful progression system, one where players can even earn whitelist spots for the upcoming Chest sale!
More about Open Beta
When open beta starts, players will no longer have access to all of the Mojos, Champions, and Spellstones. Instead they will start with just the basics, and have to earn access to the rest through the Battle Pass system. Players earn Gems by progressing on their Battle Pass. The Gems can be spent at the in-game store to purchase new game items.
Battle Pass rewards also include Experience and Ore. Experience gained is random and given directly to Mojos and Champions in your collection. When a unit has enough experience, players can spend Ore to upgrade them to the next level, increasing their collection value and rewarding points towards the Battle Pass. Each level has an increased cost in experience and Ore. However, if a player manages to level a character up to level 20, they can mint an NFT version of that card!
Leveling up cards also feeds into the Collection Score system. Players with higher Collection Tiers have access to extra Premium points that they can spend on Premium Quests. Premium Quests are in addition to the three Daily Quests, and they offer larger rewards as well!
Players’ ability to earn Battle Points is limited to a pool of 400 points. The points refill by 50 points every 3 hours, so there is still plenty of opportunity to play and earn.
Open Beta will also see the launch of the Mojo Melee store with a couple of package options to help give players a jumpstart on their collections.
Beta Chest Mint
Another feature of the open beta launch includes a special Beta Chest Mint. Time and pricing of this mint are still to be announced. But we do know that they will be limited to 3000 in total, and that players can earn a whitelist spot just by playing the beta!
Earning a spot on the Tier 2 whitelist should be pretty easy for anyone. All you need is 10 BattlePass points, which you can get with two wins, or ten losses. However, Tier 2 isn’t guaranteed. Tier 1 slots are guaranteed a mint, and they can be earned by being one of the first 1,000 players to make a purchase at the in-game store, one of the first 500 to collect 950 Battle points, or submitting a useful bug report!
There will also be various giveaways and such. But the best way to earn a whitelist spot is simply to play the game.
More about Mojo Melee
Mojo Melee, is a fantasy themed, auto-battler, running on the Polygon blockchain. Players build teams consisting of 1 Mojo unit, 4 Champion units, and 2 SpellStones and fight for dominance in the arena!
To learn more about Mojo Melee, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord chat.
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