Need more playtests? We have you covered! Mighty Action Heroes, a third-person, battle royale, shooter, is opening up their game for a weekend at the end of April for a limited, early access playtest.

Third-person shooters / action games are making a big splash lately in the web3 world. Mighty Action Heroes, a massive, battle royale style game, joins the club with an upcoming early access playtest!

Playtest Info

Mighty Action Heroes will be holding an early access playtest in late April. The playtest will run from April 28th to April 30th, 2023. However, this is not a open playtest. Joining this playtest requires owning either a Genesis Pass or Big Bear Syndicate NFT.

But fear not! There will also be a chance to receive access by attending an upcoming game night on Klick on April 21st. Attendees get a preview of the game and whitelist access to the playtest for the following weekend!

This playtest introduces a number of new features and improvements to the game such as the additions of stun and knockback effects, and general game balancing. The available Hero roster also increases by three with the addition of Detective Danger, Venom Valdez, and Boss Bao. Heroes are now assigned a specific class — Tank, Fighter, Speedster, or Balanced. Each class type has a unique ability to use in the game. Two of those abilities are new. They are the Flying Kick which deals damage and knocks back enemies. And Dash, which makes your Hero dash forward quickly!

Players can prepare for this and future playtests by setting up their account on

Hero selection
Hero selection

What is Mighty Action Heroes?

Mighty Action Heroes is a free to play, browser-based, third-person, battle royale game on the Ethereum blockchain. It will include both on-chain and off-chain assets. Some cosmetic items and all novice level heroes will be off-chain. Premium Heroes and Equipment, as well as crafting resources and blueprints will be on-chain. Some of the game features, such as crafting, will be gated for free to play players.

The game’s characters are inspired by popular action heroes from around the world. Heroes can be leveled up and equipped with various weapons and abilities.

Players earn rewards based on their final standing at the end of each match. In addition, Mighty Action Heroes will include the standard battle pass style system. In this case it’s called a Season Pass and will offer both a Starter and Premium Tier, with the better rewards reserved for Premium Pass holders.

They also plan to introduce their own ecosystem token called MGHTY.

To learn more about Might Action Heroes, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord.

shoot them all

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